YouNg Engineer 4 mirror fasting Tuesday, August 10, 2010 Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim, Some may ask, why GOD Almighty and All-Rich still hoping to humans, is not HE do not require anything from ... 5

4 mirror fasting


Some may ask, why GOD Almighty and All-Rich
still hoping to humans, is not HE do not require anything from
His creatures? However, it was GOD put hope over the faithful. Five

hope GOD is revealed in a series of verses about fasting and
Ramadan (al-Baqarah: 183-189), namely in the form of 'hope sentences'
(La'alla) contained at the end of several verses.

In the perspective of the Arabic, la'alla, literally means
or hopefully, hopefully, is a factual expectations and potential, namely

that expectation was based on the facts that exist in self-
expected and therefore very likely happen.

The first expectation, (last paragraph 183), la'allakum tattaqun, hopefully you
be cautious, be associated with the implementation of fasting. Whereas,
shaimin and shaimat expected to reach predicate piety, of course
through active and dynamic process in a diversity-oriented

the attitude to be (to be) rather than simply having (to have).

Hope the second (end of paragraph 185), la'allakum tasykurun, may you be
thankful people, dealing among others with the revelation of the Koran that
was first revealed during Ramadan. The Qur'an is guidance GOD
form of guidance, values and teachings are very important for humans to
achieve the highest degree of humanity, therefore be grateful through
understanding and practice the values of the Qur'an.

The third expectation, la'allahum yarsyudun, may they be people who
terbimbingkan, associated with intensive communication through prayer to
GOD. Prayer is a very effective medium for obtaining additional
His strength of the source, that is very real Creator
close to His human creatures, even closer than veins

Hope fourth (final paragraph 187), la'allahum yattaqun, hopefully they
being cautious, is the repetition and emphasis of hope
The first, which this time was associated with pengindahan of the provisions and

the limits specified in the lives Muamalat GOD. Attitude
obedience as this is what will bring the faithful to piety.

Last Hope (end of paragraph 189), la'allakum tuflihun, hopefully you
be the one to win and be happy, living-related attitudes
oriented to the goodness and truth as the rank of victory

and happiness.

author: M. Din Syamsuddin

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