* Delta Robo CPU
* Delta DC Driver
* Hexapod Mechanic
* Battery Pack
* Cable ISP
* Delta Line Sensing IR
In this application will be discussed how a robot moves following the directions to go somewhere that is determined. In this case the instructions given dalah a black line which will be followed by the robot in accordance with the plot. Just as in humans, so the robot can move to follow the line it is necessary to sense the Delta Robo Kit also requires a sensing device in the form of censorship. Delta Line Sensing IR light sensor that is placed on the antennae that can be set position, it is necessary to adjust the robot to follow the line width.
Basic Theory
Infrared light is a good choice as the light sensor because the light spectrum is outside the spectrum of sunlight so as not to interfere with the performance sensors.
TOPS030ATB phototransistor is an infrared sensor which is equipped with a protective layer which also reduces the influence of wild lights other than the wavelength limits of 750-1050 nm infrared beam of light from the LED that is reflected to the line will be absorbed and not reflected to the detector, but when the light struck areas colored light will be reflected back to the detector (phototransistor). At the time of the reflected light beam received by the phototransistor then this sensor will be at saturation conditions so that the base of the transistor that is connected to the collector will be connected to ground. Final transistor will be cut off, the bias current will flow from the resistor to the output of the sensor so that the logic 1. Conversely when a beam of light is not accepted, then the phototransistor will be in the cut-off condition. Bias currents will enter through the resistor to the transistor base end so that this transistor is in saturation condition and output of sensor logic 0.
How it Works
Light tracking robot consists of several sections according to their functions - each of the brain as the determinant of activity. The brain works to determine the movement - the motor movements based on inputs received by the sensor-sensor. In this application, the brain is the CPU which is a Delta Robo special microcontroller system for robotics. Microcontroller system is equipped with connectors for sensors and motor controllers. Although this line tracking robot application is actually quite simple so it does not require the use of a microcontroller system, but in this application is used as a brain microcontroller system because this system is flexible and can be programmed as needed so that the robot application can be changed easily without making modifications that are too large in hardware .
Program 1
# Include
void main ()
while (1)
P1_1 = 0; / / Motor Off Right
P1_3 = 0; / / Motor Left Off
P1_0 = P1_4;
P1_2 = P1_5;
Shown in the above program the microcontroller system actually functions can be replaced with a connecting cable between P1.0 to P1.4, P1.2 to P1.5 and P1.3 to ground P.1 well. But in this application we use a microcontroller system where users can easily add other functions to the robot or set the time delay between sensor with motor activity. On the condition does not detect the line, P1.0 and P1.3 to logic 1 so that the two motors to move forward. As was explained earlier that the output condition Line Sensing IR Delta will change to logic 1 when sensors detect objects of light (outside line) and turned into a logic 0 when the sensor detects dark objects (lines). Logic 0 on the left sensor will change the logic condition P1.4 to 0. According to the program that P1.0 = P1.4 port logic then even this condition is also changed to 0. Motor left connected to those ports will change direction into the right motor backwards and keep moving forward and the robot will move to the left
Delay time settings are used to drive the robot with high speed. As in a vehicle, for higher speeds needed visibility even further. 9-hole spacer
IR Line Sensing Delta has 9 hole spacer that serves to regulate the distance sensor. To move with higher speeds, more advanced sensors can be fitted for a robot can detect early changes in dark light on the sensor and microcontroller on the CPU Robo Delta immediately took action. For applications that require high-speed microcontrollers do not have to directly drive the motor but it needed the delay to be adjusted with the motor speed before entering the turn. This is where the use of a microcontroller on-line tracking robot application where users can set the delay time to adjust the robot movement.
Installation Instructions
1. Put Delta Line IR Sensing at the bottom of the Hexapod Crawler using the spacer
2. Attach Spacer on top of Hexapod Crawler and Battery Pack
3. Put Delta Robo DC Drivers at the bottom and the top CPU Robo Delta
4. Connect the motor cable left and right to the Delta DC Driver
5. Delta Connect the IR cable into the port Line Sensing sensors from Delta Robo CPU
6. Connect the cable to the Delta Battery Pack Robo CPU, make sure the condition of the robot is in free condition in which both feet are not touching the floor. This can be done by providing a buffer at the bottom or first disconnect the motor cable
7. Connect the cable ISP to ISP and the other side Port (DB25) to the parallel port of your PC CPU DELTA Robo
8. Run Software RIDE (install those packages on the CD if you do not have) and open the program line_tracker.c. Do compilation by selecting Make All the Project menu.
9. Hex file is created with a file name line_tracker.hex
10. Open ISP PGM 3.0 and download the hex file to the robot
11. Put the robot in yellow thick black line approximately 5 cm
12. Adjust the position of Delta Line Sensing IR in these lines and remove the robot.
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